Friday, August 29, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Reach

I had a crazy busy day yesterday so I apologize for the delay on this post.

This weeks word is reach. I always grew up being a shy person. One of the hardest things for me to do is reach out to others. I also grew up having more of a independent mind set which makes it hard to ask for help.  Everyone has to reach out to someone at some point in their life. I would love to improve my people skills and be out going. Any ideas on how to help me improve those skills?

I hope you all enjoy reading my blog. Please leave comments with suggestions and thoughts.
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein


  1. Hi Hope!
    I am your neighbor today at FMF - i like your post and it is true I think so many of us struggle to reach out to others. I did for many years too mostly because people always ended up hurting me so trust was an issue. Today I am somewhat better but I still guard my heart furiously. I think blogging is a good way to reach out - it's nice to leave a comment and say hi! So that's how I am reaching out to you today! Waving it up! Many blessings! Aliyah (

  2. Love your honest and open. I'm also a shy person, an introvert. I've learnt to control it by realising that I gain so much from the interactions I have with other people. It just takes a little deep breath in, 2 seconds of fear, to slide in to the interaction and then, after that, I suddenly feel at ease and can enjoy the conversation, without worrying whether I'll say something silly or be took me a lot of practice to get to this point, however, as that little deep breath in is terrifying! I guess what I'm trying to say is, 'Just go for it!' - no-one has any right to judge you, and you'll find that people don't judge you, they're actually rooting for you, wanting the conversation to go well, to enjoy the moment, to enjoy the interaction with you....hope this helps xxx As for being independent - yes, that can be a burden: I've realised that I can't know/do/be everything and there's a great quote that I love, that put me in my place....from Bill Nye "Everyone you'll ever meet knows something you don't"....however independent we think we are, we can always, but always, learn something by being humble in all of our interactions. (Hope this has helped, maybe even a little?!?) xx
