Monday, August 4, 2014


I apologize for this not going up yesterday. Im not sure why it didnt post but I forgot to check, so here it is.

Last week my boyfriends daughter got baptized in my church. I have not been to a baptism since my brothers were baptized. I was fortunate to go through the whole process with her. The missionaries came over weekly if not more to teach her. I wish everyone could witness the knowledge and passion this girls has when it comes to church. I am very thankful that she has chosen this path to take. She has brought me back to church and gotten me more involved then I have been since I moved out of my moms house. So many people came to her baptism. It was such a heart warming experience. Let me tell you about the baptism process in my church. When you grow up as a member of my church you can be baptized at the age of eight. The missionaries teach you lessons that make you aware of what we believe in. You have to be at church regularly for a month. After all that is done, the person confirming you does an interview. It covers everything you learned over the last month or however long you were being taught. You then get to set a date and invite people to come watch your baptism. We baptize by immersion. They say a prayer and dunk you under the water for a second. I can tell you that my testimony has grown a lot in the last couple months and I am so thankful for that.

I hope you all enjoy reading my blog. Please leave comments with suggestions and thoughts.
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein

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