Monday, July 28, 2014

Fear of Failure

I think this is the most common thought that keeps us demotivated. More times then not perfectionism or being afraid of not doing something correctly, can stop us from moving forward. Everyone works toward perfection in their life. Unfortunately perfection is not possible.Yesterday someone had told me that perfection is when we do the best we can in everything and live our life to the best of our ability. I had never thought of that before but it is so true. Failing is an essential part of the journey. Everyone will fail at something at least once. When I was in high school I went through a period of time where I felt as if I was constantly failing. I wouldn't pass a test, I would forget a piece of homework, and it would then lead to failing a class. I was always close to my fifth grade teacher. I turned to her for help during this hard time. She explained to me that because my mind had given up I had started a snowball affect. Each thing I failed at made the snowball bigger. I was at the point where the snowball had gotten so big I just let it keep rolling. Sometimes we have to slow down. Take things one at a time and we can eventually melt the snowball. We learn by trial and error. Thomas Edison once said, " I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Keep that in mind. It can help you stay motivated to keep trying.

How do you cope with failure?

I hope you all enjoy reading my blog. Please leave comments with suggestions and thoughts.
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein

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