Monday, July 7, 2014


This week I want to talk about excuses. We all make them. Even the smallest of excuse keeps us from doing something. Down the road they often will start affecting your health, fitness, and life. We rationalize and explain away so much, rather then just tell ourself the cold truth. This week I would like everyone to try participating in the One Week, No Excuses Challenge. Try to motivate yourself by setting an internal alert. The best thing to do for yourself is become aware of the excuses that are not useful, real, or true. Instead of saying: Well I can't do this because this is going on. Make the dialogue positive.

Think about relationships for example. Think about relationships you have been in that ended or dates where the other person bailed or said not. When you turn to your friends to help you feel better, they often will tell you positive things. Things such as: You're perfect and they are stupid for not seeing that, or You're better off without them. We need to look at ourself the same way instead of feeling sorry for ourself.

Think about all the excuses we make when trying to get healthy. I am a master at these excuses for sure. People often blame their health on their DNA. I often find myself blaming it on time I do not have.

These excuses also apply when something goes wrong at work. When we run late we tend to blame traffic. When we don't get something finished we blame technology. I know that in high school I loved to blame my computer or printer for why my work was not done.

Just take time to change the way you think. Make yourself take responsibility for things that take place in your life. You never know what kind of reward life will bring you if you stop blaming others. Let me know in the comments if you are taking part of our challenge this week. You can come back in a week and let me know how it goes.

I hope you all enjoy reading my blog. please leave comments with suggestions and thoughts.
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein

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