Friday, January 30, 2015

Five Minute Friday: Wait

Join us every Friday at for the writing prompt and write for five minutes strait. No editing just writing from the heart.

This weeks Five Minute Friday word is wait. 


It amazes me how every word for the Five Minute Friday posts this year have fallen into my life perfectly. Waiting is one of the most frustrating traits for me. I am not a patient person. Lately it seems like everything I do or that is going on around me is requiring some sort of wait time. Sometimes it is as simple as waiting for my three year old to fall asleep at night. Other times it is as big as having to wait on life to go back to normal after a big event. 

I watched a video recently that was about a mother with three kids that had her best friend coming through town. She had been waiting a long time to see her friend and she was so excited. Her friend only had a two hour layover so they were going to meet for dinner and catch up. This mother had a list of things that needed to be done that day and every time she started getting stuff done people would ask her to do things for them and she would do it. She was running late and let her friend know. By the time she got out the door her friend told her she ran out of time and had to board her plane. The mom came back in the house and tears started rolling down her face. As her son was saying an evening prayer with the family he said thank you for allowing them to finish everything they needed to get done that day. She then realized he was right. Even though this mom had waited for a long time to see her friend she was going to get that chance again somewhere down the road. She needed to be thankful that she accomplished all of the important things and without her realizing it made a difference for a lot of people.  

It is amazing what a difference a little bit of extra time can do. The video was not a message about waiting but I think it can work just as well.


Here is the full video if you want to watch it.

Share your FMF post in the comments or your thoughts on mine.

I really hope you all enjoy reading my blog. Please leave comments with suggestions or thoughts.
"It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop." - Confucius


  1. It is amazing how the word of the week often fits right into what you have been dealing with. Very nice post! Good luck with your waiting. (Especially that one about the three year old. I remember those days!!) - Sarah, stopping by from Five Minute Friday.

  2. Cool video! I like how you adapted it with what you wrote. And I agree about how the prompts seem to fit with each thing we are going through at the moment. Waiting is not an easy thing to do sometimes. Have a great weekend! Blessings, Carrie (visiting from FMF)
