Sunday, May 25, 2014


At church today we talked about a subject I didn't really think about how much we are affected by it. We talked about media. It is hard as a parent to decide what the limits are when it comes to the media our kids are exposed to. Video games these days are even tricky. Everything is electronic. I am always doing something related to electronics on my down time. If I am not watching TV I am playing video games or using my computer. As I thought about it a lot of the shows I watch encourage bad behavior or bad language which is very disappointing.

Some of the questions they had us ask ourselves today were:

What are some rules you have in your household regarding media use?
What are some good things about media?
What can we do to keep or gain more of a spiritual home when it comes to media?

My goal is going to be to try and spend less time on electronics and more time being productive.
I would like to hear about some of your household rules when it comes to media.
Is there something you do in your house to keep your kids or yourself active and well rounded?

I hope you all enjoy reading my blog. Please leave comments with suggestions and thoughts.
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein

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