This week I get to share the rest of my adventure on the East Coast. We made a stop in North Carolina. We got to stay at this bed and breakfast in the historical district called the The Lions Gate. This building was so beautiful. My friend Madi and I spent an afternoon just taking pictures in different parts of the yard. The inside was even more amazing. One day we went and looked around Duke University. The campus was so pretty. The church on campus was amazing. I wish I would have done better in school to be able to go to a school like that. I loved how green it was there too! The remainder of the trip we spent in NYC! We stayed at the Marriott on Time Square. We saw Wicked on Broadway which was amazing! We went and saw the Ground Zero site which was also amazing. We visited the giant hershey's store and M&M's store. We also stopped at Madame Tuscans Wax Museum. These figures were so cool and looked so life like. There was a Brittany Spears one that looked like it was breathing. Last but not least, we had the chance to see, my favorite band at the time, The Jonas Brothers perform on the Today Show. We were about three feet from the stage. Even though we had to get up super early. It was totally worth it. There was so much to see and not enough time so I do want to go back someday.
Have you ever been to NYC? What was your favorite part?
I hope you all enjoy reading my blog. Please leave comments with suggestions and thoughts.
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein
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