Friday, June 27, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Lost

Once again we are back with a Five Minute Friday post. If you would like to join us check out

This weeks word is lost...

My life experience is still growing. There are many moments that arrive that leave me lost. The last five years specifically. I went through a period of time where every turn I made seemed to get more more lost then before. I lost a loved one, barely graduated high school, and got pregnant during my first semester of college. Now five years later I finally feel like I am steering my life back onto the path I am not lost on.  I've lived in four different places along this journey as well.

It is amazing how fast our thoughts and decisions can get of lost at times. All it takes is one wrong turn. But it also can take one right turn to get us right back where we want to be. If you can take one thing away from reading this, know that everything happens with a purpose (and we can't change what has happened). Even though it can make us feel lost, we will find our way again at some point.

What do you most often get lost in? Is it your thoughts or decisions or something else?

I hope you all enjoy reading my blog. Please leave comments with suggestions and thoughts.
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein


  1. I get lost in my thoughts way too often! I think and over-think until I am so lost in confusion and frustrated! UGH!!! Gotta stop that!! LOL

    Stopping by from FMF! Have a great weekend!

  2. I am glad you have found your way and all is well with you now. I am following you from Five Minute Friday. ;)

  3. Found you from FMF. I often get lost in my thoughts trying to make the right decision. Glad you don't feel lost anymore. Blessings!
