Patience... what a great topic. I know I am not the only person that struggles with this one. We expect so much of ourselves and want to instant results. It can be very de-motivating when things are not happening as fast as we think they should be. Sometimes it can make us not even want to continue what we were doing.
I am currently 21 years old and still have not learned how to be as patient as I should. I grew up being told that patience is a virtue. I have a daughter now and that has definitely helped me accept this virtue more in the last three years. You never fully understand how hard parenting is until you have a toddler who screams when they do not get their way or says no whenever you tell them to do anything. It is so easy for me to cave in to her and give her what she wants just so I don't have to deal with the after effect. Anyone who has raised a child can understand how hard it is to see them upset. My daughter is in the middle of the phase where she is talking a lot more but it doesn't always come out clear. Therefor you are left guessing at what she is trying to say. Not only does that upset her but me as well. It has taken a lot of practice the last few months for me to stand my ground better and be patient with myself and her in both of these situations. I also struggle with patience a lot when having a conversation with somebody. Especially if we are having an argument and they don't respond or answer a question. I know that things would go a lot smoother sometimes if I gave people more time when talking to them.
I read somewhere wants that patience is really about having the inner strength to stick to your guns, face your fears, repeatedly let go of internal expectations, and have trust that it will all work out in the end. Patience is a hard thing to accomplish and takes time and practice. We can try to stay motivated while dealing with this virtue by striving to achieve, become, and take time with what we are trying to accomplish.
Pick one thing you have struggled with your patience recently on and do your best to try again, share your goal or results with me below.
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"Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein